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Doubly Linked List

·1173 words·6 mins
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Hey ❗❗❗ I come back, and two things come with me:

  • The first one, a new data structure
  • The second, a new music band that I really like, And the posts about this new data structure will follow the vibe I get from this band 🥥🏝️🐠🌊.

So let ’s get to it!

Doubly linked list

So, what is a doubly linked list, basically is a bi-directional linked list. So, you can traverse it in both directions. Unlike singly linked lists, its nodes contain one extra pointer called the previous pointer. This pointer points to the previous node 🥸.

To be honest it is tooo similar to a linked list, but this extra pointer called previous node helps us a lot to write methods for our double linked list class, we see it later on.

Node class 🏗️

If you remember in a previous post we already write a node class, and these node class be the base of the our current node class (we only add one attribute 🤫)



class Node:
    def __init__(self, value: any) -> None:
        self.value = value = None
        self.prev = None

Doubly linked list class

Constructor 🧱

I won’t get too complicated here, and just say that it is the same as the one used in the linked list. 😅



class DoublyLinkedList:

    def __init__(self,value: any) -> None:
        new_node = Node(value)
        self.head   = new_node
        self.tail   = new_node
        self.length = 1

Ahhhh 🤔, I think it is a good idea to add an extra method that helps us to print our linked list, as we have also written in the linked list section

Some extra code 🪡

class LinkedList:

    #   previous code

    def print_list(self) -> None:
        temp = self.head

        while temp is not None:
            temp =

Append method

The append method adds a new node to the end of the linked list.

Breakdown of the steps:

  1. Creates a new node: It instantiates a new Node object, passing the given value as an argument to store within the node.

  2. Handles an empty list:

  • If the list is currently empty (self.head is None), it sets both the head and tail of the list to point to the newly created node. This establishes the starting point of the list.
  1. Appends to a non-empty list:
  • If the list already has nodes:
  • It connects the next pointer of the current tail node to the new node.
  • It sets the prev pointer of the new node to the current tail node.
  • It updates the tail of the list to point to the newly added node. This ensures the list’s end is correctly maintained.
  1. Increments length: It increases the length attribute of the list, keeping track of the number of nodes.



class DoublyLinkedList:

    #   previous code

    def append(self, value: any):
        It adds a new node containing a specified value to the end of a doubly linked list

            Value: the data that will contain the new node
        new_node = Node(value)
        if self.head is None:
            self.head = new_node
            self.tail = new_node
    = new_node
            new_node.prev   = self.tail
            self.tail       = new_node
        self.length += 1

Pop method

The pop method removes the last item of the doubly linked list and returns this node.

Steps involved:

  1. Checks for empty list:
  • If the list is empty (self.length == 0), it doesn’t have any elements to remove. The method returns None to indicate this.
  1. Handles removing the single element:
  • If there’s only one element in the list (self.length == 1), it sets both head and tail to None as there are no more nodes left.
  1. Removes last element from non-empty list (length > 1):
  • It stores a temporary reference (temp) to the current tail node. This is the element that will be removed.
  • It updates the tail of the list to point to the second-to-last node (temp.prev).
  • It sets the next pointer of the new tail to None as it’s now the end of the list.
  • It detaches the removed node (temp) by setting its prev pointer to None. This helps avoid lingering references.
  1. Updates list length: It decrements the length attribute to reflect the removal of a node.
  2. Returns removed element: The method returns the temporary reference (temp) which holds the data of the removed node.



class DoublyLinkedList:

    #   previous code

    def pop(self) -> any:
        This method removes and returns the last element from a doubly linked list.

            None: if the doubly linked list is empty
            Node: if the doubly linked list is not empty
        if self.length == 0:
            return None
        temp = self.tail
        if self.length == 1:
            self.head = None
            self.tail = None
            self.tail = temp.prev
   = None
            temp.prev = None
        self.length -= 1
        return temp

Prepend method

The last method that will describe but not least important is the prepend method. This method adds a new node to the beginning of the doubly linked list and returns true to signal successful prepending of the new element.

Breakdown of the steps:

  1. Creates a new node: It creates a new Node object, storing the provided value within it.
  2. Handles an empty list: If the list is currently empty (self.length == 0), it sets both head and tail of the list to point to the newly created node. This establishes the first and only element in the list.
  3. Prepends to a non-empty list:
  • If the list already has nodes:
  • It sets the prev pointer of the current head node to the new node. This creates a connection between the new node and the previous first node.
  • It sets the next pointer of the new node to the current head node. This establishes the new node as the first node in the list.
  • It updates the head of the list to point to the newly added node, reflecting the new beginning.
  1. Increments length: It increases the length attribute to account for the new node added to the list.



class DoublyLinkedList:

    #   previous code

        This method adds a new node containing a specified value to the beginning (front) of a doubly linked list
            Value: the data that will contain the new node
        new_node = Node(value)
        if self.length == 0:
            self.head = new_node
            self.tail = new_node
            self.head.prev = new_node
   = self.head
            self.head = new_node
        self.length += 1
        return True

The songs of the post

Recently i watched a movie called Anatomy of a fall (and is a really good movie, I 💯 percent recommended it), and in the first minutes of the movie sound this song:

Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band

Click here to listen

It was love at first hearing 👂💘.

Obviously is cover of P.I.M.P by 50 Cent.

So I decided to listen to more of this band and I really liked their tropical vibes, I recommend you to listen to them if you have the opportunity to. My favorite song is:

Bacao Suave
Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band

Click here to listen